S1/E01: #Reinventing Yourself - Challenges & Opportunities Of Being an Expat Spouse with Katy Kennedy

Show notes

Becoming an expat trailing partner means that you put your own career on hold for the sake of your partner’s job. That, added to the upset of leaving your family and friends behind, can take an emotional toll.

Frauke and Marie-Christine kick-off their first episode discussing the specific challenges as well as the manifold opportunities of being an expat partner. Moving abroad to further your partner’s career can be exciting and challenging in equal measures. It offers an opportunity to travel, embrace a new culture, and according to two thirds of expats, it gives you a better quality of life. However, adapting to a new culture and customs is not easy…

Special guest Katy Kennedy, Founder of the network International Women in Business Düsseldorf and TED Talk Speaker: How Expat Wives can have a Career, joins the duo in today’s Culture Chat to share her story when transitioning to Germany from the UK several years ago, and encourages women to reinvent themselves while staying abroad.

Comments (2)


Soo nice, very interesting....

Caro B

Great! Nice that you give importance to this topic with your podcast. I am sure it will help a lot of women.

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