S1/E20: #Forging Bonds - Building Cross-Cultural Relationships with Andy Molinsky

Show notes

“Companies don’t go global; people do. For companies to leverage the global economy, they need people effective at connecting across cultures.”

  • Andy Molinsky.

The ability to lead a diverse and global team is not just a skill — it is a necessity. However, the journey to effective global leadership is full of challenges such as language barriers, cultural misunderstandings, not even talking about the hurdles of remote communication. It is critical to create that quick sense of rapport bonding with clients, colleagues, our boss… But how do we effectively connect across cultures? Frauke and Marie-Christine explore what kind of mindset, attitude, and tools we need to step out of our cultural comfort zone.

Culture Chat Frauke and Marie-Christine welcome Andy Molinsky, a Professor at Brandeis University’s International Business School, with a joint appointment in the Department of Psychology. Andy is a renowned expert in cross-cultural communication and author of the groundbreaking book "Forging Bonds in a Global Workforce". This first-of-its-kind resource shows how to cultivate trust and build solid connections with customers, colleagues, and partners in today’s hyper globalized, digitized work world.


Andy Molinsky received his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and M.A. in Psychology from Harvard University. He also holds a Master’s Degree in International Affairs from Columbia University and a B.A. in International Affairs from Brown University.

Connect with Andy: linkedin.com/in/andymolinsky

Website: https://www.andymolinsky.com

Book: Andy Molinsky & Melissa Hahn (2024): Forging Bonds in a Global Workforce: Build Rapport, Camaraderie, and Optimal Performance No Matter the Time Zone.

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Email: connectculturexchange@gmail.com

Connect with Frauke linkedin.com/in/fraukebender

Connect with Marie-Christine linkedin.com/in/marie-christine-dobro-02910b44

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