S1/E21: #Happy Expat Life - How to Thrive when Living Abroad with Florence Reisch-Gentinetta

Show notes

“Darling, I have been promoted and they’ve asked us to move abroad!” That might be the beginning of your expat journey as an accompanying partner, and suddenly, you are off to new adventures abroad.

In this episode, Frauke and Marie-Christine explore how to become a happy expat partner living a joyous life abroad. By embracing the challenges and opportunities of expatriate life, the accompanying partner can indeed find fulfillment, personal growth, and happiness. This can involve immersing oneself in the local culture, building new friendships, pursuing personal interests or career opportunities, and above all: maintaining a positive attitude towards the adventure of living in a new country.

Culture Chat Frauke and Marie-Christine welcome Florence Reisch-Gentinetta, a serial expat currently living in Dubai, and author of the book "Expat Wife, Happy Life!: The journey of a serial expat". Originally from Switzerland, Florence has lived around the world for the last 25 years with her Austrian husband and their two Third Culture Kids (TCK). Wherever she lived, Florence always looked for opportunities to reinvent herself. Being creative and flexible, she kept on getting busy, happy and lived a fulfilled exciting life. Her empathy for people and her curiosity about the world led her to a very unique expatriation experience that she wanted to share with us and our listeners.


Florence Reisch-Gentinetta is a bilingual advanced certified life coach (International Coach Federation ICF) with a special focus on expatriates. Passionate about people and how they respond to their emotions and life changes, she supports women and third culture kids who want to better understand themselves, overcome their fears, gain confidence and unleash their full potential.

Connect with Florence: coachingwiththeflo@gmail.com linkedin.com/in/florence-reisch-a9601759

Website: www.coachingwiththeflo.com

Book: Florence Reisch-Gentinetta (2021): Expat Wife, Happy Life!: The journey of a serial expat.

Connect with cultureXchange: Instagram: @culturexchange https://Instagram.com/culture_x_change

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YouTube: https://youtu.be/NOAe697Zo_U @culturexchange.podcast

Email: connectculturexchange@gmail.com

Connect with Frauke linkedin.com/in/fraukebender

Connect with Marie-Christine linkedin.com/in/marie-christine-dobro-02910b44

cultureXchange Podcast has been selected as one of the TOP 10 EXPAT PODCASTS https://podcasts.feedspot.com/expat_podcasts/

Comments (1)


So happy and proud listening this exchange with my daughter Florence ! Happiness and success in expat life for sure ! MF

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