S1/E09: #The Japanese Art of Living - How to find your IKIGAI with Jennifer Shinkai

Show notes

What’s the meaning of life? What's the key to life-long happiness? And do we lose our sense of purpose when moving abroad? In this episode, Frauke and Marie-Christine are exploring the japanese art of living a purposeful life. The japanese people believe that everyone has their own reason for being which they call Ikigai. According to them, Ikigai refers to your life purpose that brings joy and inspires you to get up every morning.

Episode Highlights

(00:04:33) Culture Chat: Frauke and Marie-Christine welcome Jennifer Shinkai, a Tokyo based, British born executive coach who supports individuals and corporate groups in their search of their personal ikigai and teaches them how to integrate it in their own life of purpose. While some people may have already found their ikigai, others are still looking for it though they are carrying it within them as our ikigai is hidden deep inside each of us. According to those born in Okinawa, the island with the most centenarian in the world, our ikigai is the reason for getting up in the morning.

(00:38:05) Deep Dive: Frauke & Marie-Christine further discuss why the Westernized concept of the Japanese ikigai philosophy illustrated in the popular Venn Diagram might be seen as an inappropriate cultural adaptation. The key difference between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation is that cultural appropriation involves taking elements of a culture without understanding or respecting their significance, while cultural appreciation involves learning about and valuing different cultures in a respectful way. They conclude that it is in fact a fine line between these two and thus it is important to approach other cultures with sensitivity and respect.

Our Interview Guest: Jennifer Shinkai is a facilitator and executive coach living in Japan. Originally from the UK, Jennifer holds an MA (Oxon) in English Language and Literature from St. Hugh's College, Oxford University. She is an ICF Associate certified coach, Points of You® Expert, and Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching ORSC® Practitioner, and coaches individuals and corporate groups around their ikigai. She also has her own podcast and YouTube channel, “Ikigai with Jennifer Shinkai.”

SOCIAL PROFILE LINKS Website https://jennifershinkai.com/ Facebook URL https://www.facebook.com/jennifershinkaicoach/ Instagram URL https://www.instagram.com/ikigaiwithjennifershinkai/ LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifershinkai/

Ikigai with Jennifer Shinkai Podcast https://ikigai-with-jennifer-shinkai.captivate.fm/

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/ikigaiwithjennifershinkai/

REFERENCES: García, H., Miralles, F., & Cleary, H. (2017). Ikigai: the Japanese secret to a long and happy life. New York, Penguin Books.

Ken Mogi (2017), Ikigai: The Secret Japanese Way To Live A Happy And Long Life. Quercus.

Akihiro Hasegawa is a Professor at Tokyo Eiwa University and one of Japan’s leading researchers on Ikigai.

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Email: connectculturexchange@gmail.com

Connect with Frauke https://www.linkedin.com/in/fraukebender

Connect with Marie-Christine https://www.linkedin.com/in/marie-christine-dobro-02910b44

Comments (1)


Txs to three great ladies for this podcast on IKIGAI, I loved it. Very worth listening. I in particular liked the thoughts about self reflection and what matters to me. Best wishes!

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